Bec: Rip the discs already.

What? You can't rip the discs, because you're not Bec.Suddenly you're infinitely more attractive, intelligent, and put-together than silly young Mr. Harley out on his Bond villain-style island. You don't have time to be Bec and mess around with packages and ridiculous Fetch modi and unwanted flirting from your creepy friend.But if you're not Bec, then who are you?

> Mysterious Young Gent: Introduce yourself.

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Mysterious Young Gent: Introduce yourself.

Oh, hello there. You feel as if you're FORGETTING something important, but maybe that's just a GUT FEELING.Your name is JASPERS LALONDE, and you often spend your freetime talking to friends, or drawing. You also like to collect things, and sometimes, even making KANDI. You have a major passion in DIGITAL ART, and you're hoping to make a webcomic sometime in the future.You identify as NONBINARY, and you like lots of different types of media, such as HOMESTUCK, GUIDESTUCK, HLVRAI, THE WALTEN FILES, and much more things you cannot think of right now. Like some of your friends, you use the chat client PESTERCHUM from time to time. Your chumhandle is acinonyxAnonymous and you type in a manner that could only be described as just 'casual'.Now that you've properly introduced yourself, what are some other things you'd like to be made known of?

> Jaspers: Show your DNI list.

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Jaspers: Show your DNI list.

Luckily, you've written your DNI list in multiple places, so this shouldn't be hard to find...Oh, here it is!do not interact if you;
are a fan of YBF, BTD, alfred's playhouse, or south park
are a proshipper
are a DSMP fan or support any member of the DSMP's actions
still use the "rendering process" jokes
are overly sexual for no reason whatsoever

> Jaspers: Show your BYI list.

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Jaspers: Show your BYI list.

before you interact;
i am personally uncomfortable with south park fans because of my past experiences with them, please respect that i don't want you guys to interact with me if you are one.
also my current fixation is guidestuck rn so i may talk about that a lot

> Jaspers: What's your socials?.

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Jaspers: What's your socials?

my socials are;
@acinonyxjaspers on twitter
@sanfordsbussy on tiktok
acinonyxAnonymous on artfight
If the reader has come far enough as to read everything on this CARRD, they can count themselves LUCKY.Because now, they don't have any other chance but to LISTEN.Or actually, if they really wanted to, they could check out your REGULAR CARRD.

> ===>

> Jaspers: Look at other carrd!!

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